
DE sign:
(Deconstructing in-order to find new meanings)

A blogging space about my personal interests; was made during training in Stockholm #Young Leaders Visitors Program #Ylvp08 it developed into a social bookmarking blog.

I studied #Architecture; interested in #Design #Art #Education #Urban Design #Digital-media #social-media #Inhabited-Environments #Contemporary-Cultures #experimentation #networking #sustainability & more =)

Please Enjoy, feedback recommended.

p.s. sharing is usually out of interest not Blind praise.
This is neither sacred nor political.

Showing posts with label #syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #syria. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8

Architecture of Refugees II W.A.Ve 2017

W.A.Ve 2017 Syria

on Ethics of Intervention and Insta follow-up

The VENICE CHARTER ON RECONSTRUCTION aims at the establishment of clear guidelines for post-war development. Though generated in response to the Syrian conflict, the charter aims to be useful in any other similar possible scenarios. The nature of modern conflicts challenges our understanding of conventional war: they manifest as permanent, asymmetric local and mobile wars between numerous transnational actors, and they extend beyond geographical boundaries. The Syrian case presents an example of how local conflicts involve the whole international community: epochal migrations, global terrorism and widespread violence affect globally every person regardless of any economic, social and religious boundaries.

Wednesday, May 21

Positive Initiatives Anyone CAN do for Syrians

Positive Initiatives Anyone CAN do for Syrians
No matter where you stand politically (whether you want to engage in the discourse or not) there are plenty of things you could help make for Syrians; in return at your time of need we'll be there for you before you even know it =)
(Kindly note this story is in-progress, send me any action to add) 

Saturday, May 10

Ila Souria I

Ila Souria I
Selected Videos of Ila Souria First Conference on the Material & Immaterial Re/Construction

مشاريع عمارة و يوطوبيات، من أجل وضع برنامج تعليمي متحرر و ثائر...
كلود يعقوب
مهندس معماري، مدرس و باحث، مختبر سيتو-باراغراف Citu-Paragraphe ، جامعة باريس ٨

ملخص : ما الذي سننقله لأجيال المستقبل من المصممين المتدربين، الذين سيبنون غداً سوريا جديدة، و مختلفة ؟ كيف و ماذا سننقل لهم من أجل إعادة تأسيس و ترميم المدينة/الدولة (بمعناها اليوناني القديم Polis) حول القيم الثورية الحالية و المستقبلية ؟ هذه المدينة/الدولة (Polis) التي تُذكِّرنا، بجانبيها السياسي و المدني، ببعض "اليوطوبيات التي أصبحت واقعاً"، إن كان ذلك في الزمن الحالي المباشر أو في المستقبل الشامل. مما يشكل تساؤلاً حيوياً له علاقة بما هو "مشترك"، و الذي يعني الجميع و في نفس الوقت. و بالتالي، لم نعد فقط بحاجة لما هو "موجود بشكل مسبق" و إنما المقدرة على "العمل معاً" هي التي تفرض نفسها بهدف بناء مساحات غير مادية و مادية. و بهذا تُمثِّل اليوطوبيات فعلاً إنسانياً عادلاً و مُبرَّراً. مخرج ٌمناسب من الأزمة، يحقق نوعاً من التوازن في العالم غير المستقر و المضطرب الذي نعيش فيه، كما أنها جواب واضح على التساؤل الذي تتطرحه العمارة و المعماري، و حل بديل يجمع ما بين الرؤية و الواقعية و القضايا الحيوية لمجتمع تنقصه المساواة، و المشاركة و القيم الأخلاقية. ستكون مهمتنا تعريف الأجيال الجديدة السورية (من طلاب، و أساتذة، و سكان مدنيين)، و عن طريق "تربية الحرية"، بيوطوبيات الماضي التي شكلت واقع اليوم. و بهذا نستطيع معاً رسم يوطوبيات اليوم التي من شأنها أن تمثل واقع الغد...

الكلمات الرئيسية : العمارة ؛ المصمم المتدرب ؛ علم التربية ؛ الثورة ؛ يوطوبيا .

ما هي الممارسات المرتبطة بإعادة الإعمار؟
إيرين لابيري
مهندسة معمارية

ملخص : كيف لنا أن نتصرف إزاء الكارثة عندما يسقط النظام؟ بهدف رسم خطوط مستقبلية فيما يخص المدن و الإسكان و المساحات بشكل عام، يبدو لنا أن التحضيرات المسبقة ستكون : - تحليل المشاريع و الإنجازات التي سبقت الثورة (فيما يخص عملية صياغتها، و من ناحية الشكل و المواصفات)، - تحليل المنطق المُتبع من قبل جيش النظام في قصف و تدمير المناطق المدنية و الأحكام "القانونية" المرتبطة بذلك، - تأثير التوزع العمراني على نمو الثورة، - التفكير المبدئي بالمعايير التي يجب وضعها، بحيث أن تخدم و تؤطر المشاريع المستقبلية التي ستمثل، لدى اعتمادها، الأسس التي سيمكن لصانعي القرار و المواطنين الاعتماد عليها. تهدف هذه المداخلة إلى البدء بهذا العمل، بالاعتماد خصوصاً على دمشق كمثال.

الكلمات الرئيسية : المدينة ؛ إلغاء ما كان قائم ؛ الحدود ؛ الممارسات ؛ المزيج
rest of the Videos in Arabic: http://www.ilasouria.org/ar/videos/

Curated List on Architecture & UPlanning |  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmkdbSmeocC-8fmkDX0zJ42BL5ssUGDIG 

Friday, December 13


Text WARM to 70111 to donate £3 to UNICEF UK's Syria Winter Appeal.
Thousand Thank You
Donate by credit card at http://www.unicef.org.uk/syria (including viewers from outside the UK).

In this short film Ewan McGregor, Michael Sheen, Tom Hiddleston, Emma Bunton, Rita Ora and Tinie Tempah join UNICEF UK in support of our Syria Winter Appeal for the children of Syria.

Thank you - your help really makes a difference to children's lives in Syria.

Saturday, December 4

Social Entrepreneurship > Females

SHE Entrepreneur

one day to go >

Are you a woman with a vision? Do you want to contribute to sustainable change? Apply to She Entrepreneurs, a new program by the Swedish Institute, and become part of a unique network of women social entrepreneurs. She Entrepreneurs aims to offer inspiration and knowledge as well as build partnerships between Sweden and the countries involved in new innovative social entrepreneurship ventures.  

We are looking for visionary women who have the skills to create, organize and run innovative social projects, aiming at improving the state of society.

With She Entrepreneurs the SI aims to lay a foundation for dialogue, mutual understanding and knowledge sharing among young women social entrepreneurs from the Middle East, North Africa and Sweden.


What is She Entrepreneurs?

She Entrepreneurs is a new program by the Swedish Institute which addresses young women social entrepreneurs in selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, West Bank-Gaza, Yemen and Iran. The Swedish Institute aims to give the participants innovative tools for sustainable change while seeking to create a network of women change makers in the region. Focused on driven young women, She Entrepreneurs will offer inspiration and knowledge as well as build networks between Sweden and the countries involved.
During five days in Stockholm, the participants will present their project plans for My Idea. This will be a social project brought by each participant to the program, which will then be developed during the course of the program. Equipped with new social media tools, the participants will present the next step in their different projects at the end of the Stockholm week. The goal is to implement the project locally after the program.

During the program, the participants will be matched with Swedish women. These mentors work actively as social entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs. The mentorship will provide inspiration for the continuous work with each participant’s My Idea project for one year. She Entrepreneurs will also enable the creation of new, strong networks. A mentorship start-up meeting will take place during the Stockholm week. The following mentorship meetings will be held using digital and social media platforms, such as Skype and Ning.
The participants will meet Swedish organizations and inspirational people working as social entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs. The whole participant group will be involved in intense and inspirational work, as well as knowledge sharing within the group and with external parties.

What is a social entrepreneur?

"A social entrepreneur is a person who identifies a social problem/need and uses innovative and entrepreneurial skills and principles to create, organize, and run activities with the purpose of being part of the solution to the social problem/need. While traditional entrepreneurs only measure the results in terms of economic profit for the company itself, social entrepreneurs also put strong focus on measuring their results in relation to the effects on society as a whole"

How does it work?

She Entrepreneurs is designed to provide the tools needed to start or develop a social project for sustainable change in the participant's country or region during and after the program. The participant will become part of an exclusive network that will boost creativity and support her personal and professional development.

And then what?

After six months the group will meet for a two-day follow-up. A status report for each social project will be presented.  

Accommodation, food and travel

All costs related to accommodation, food and transport during She Entrepreneurs are covered by the Swedish Institute. The Swedish Institute will also arrange and pay for your air travel to and from Sweden, but participants are themselves responsible for costs related to transport within their own countries.
During the program in Stockholm, the Swedish Institute covers your food expenses as well as the costs of all arranged activities.


During the program in Sweden all participants will be insured against acute illness and accident through the Swedish State Group Insurance and personal insurance by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Service Agency (Kammarkollegiet)


Selected participants are responsible for obtaining their visas in good time before departure to Sweden and other relevant countries.
The program will be held in English and proficient command of English, written and spoken, is therefore a requirement.


The Swedish Institute is cooperating with:

Novare Accelerate- Developing Young Professionals

Novare Accelerate is a consultancy company delivering innovative and business driven developing programs for Young Professionals. Novare is a part of Investor AB group in Sweden with an extensive global business network. 
Novare Accelerate delivers external development programs such as Mentorships Programs for future leaders, Business Skills Programs, Global Emerging Talent Programs within companies and innovative Business Camps where talents from different organizations work with innovative cases to present new solutions on other organizations business opportunities. 
Read more about Novare Accelerate here.


Springtime is a public relations and communications firm. They provide counseling and hands-on assistance to clients, helping them seize opportunities, resolve issues and develop their business. Springtime believes in personal influence as a key to success in communication.
Springtime was named Sweden's best PR firm in 2002, 2004 and 2006 in Regi' (the leading enterprise in the implementation of conceptual studies and analysis) annual client survey.
Read more about Sprintime here

Thursday, April 8

Five Points To Green er Cities

Five Points To Greener Cities
05 04 2010 . Damascus . The Syrian British Org
as mentioned by Mr. Peter Ross . "a Solution"

. Define with Honest Definitions the problems!
. Protect The Parts/ Areas of Certain value/s
. Penetrate The Protected green
. Provide multi-centers "that do the job"
. Connect The centers and you'll have a "Green Network" 

Wednesday, November 25